A Word from Mayor Mary – Metastatic Breast Cancer Awareness
Oct 29, 2024 01:24PM ● By Mayor Mary
At the City Council meeting on September 23, we presented Erica Frantz with a proclamation supporting awareness of metastatic breast cancer. She shared some of her touching story of surviving with this disease, noting that one of eight women will be diagnosed with breast cancer and one of three of them will be diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer. There is no cure for metastatic breast cancer, and it is responsible for 98% of breast cancer deaths. The current life expectancy of someone diagnosed is only about three years.
While spreading awareness is wonderful, it has not been enough. The prevalence of breast cancer has not significantly declined in nearly 40 years. Research in this field is crucial to changing this fact. Erica also noted that only 5%-7% of pink ribbon funding campaigns go towards actual research that aims to find better treatment options and cures. She told us that METAvivor is the only foundation that donates 100% of their proceeds to research, so we wanted to highlight them as well.
Go to METAvivor’s website at https://www.metavivor.org/take-action/campaigns/lightupmbc/ to donate to their lifesaving work or to see the 2024 LightUpMBC Live recording filled with incredible stories, celebrity guests, and hope that research will light the way to a metastatic breast cancer-free future.
October 13 was Metastatic Breast Cancer Awareness Day, and the City of Pekin joined over 200 major landmarks across the globe in lighting up city hall in pink, teal, and green in support of this cause. So much good can come from all of us joining together to fight the toughest battles of our time. Whether it’s $1,000 or $1, whether it’s hours of volunteer time or one social media share, whether it’s joining in on #LightUpMBC next year or just showing this newspaper article to one other person, you can make a difference!
December 1 Pekin Winter Wonderland Festival
December 6 Christmas on Court / Santa Visits Downtown Pekin
December 10 Santa Visits Downtown Pekin
December 13 Friends in Harmony – Celebrating a Bicentennial Christmas
December 14 Friends in Harmony – Celebrating a Bicentennial Christmas
December 17 Santa Visits Downtown Pekin
December 26 Pekin Holiday Tournament
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